From the 9th to the 14th of July in Lisbon, Portugal, I participated in the 9th VLTI Summer School organised by the Portuguese VLTI Expertise Centre, the JMMC, the EII, and ESO.
The school was set to train the VLTI users. It was very practical and we were introduced to the tools used in observation preparation and VLTI data reduction. In particular, to the newest GRAVITY instrument, but also others, like AMBER, PIONIER, and of course MATISSE. For me, personally, the new generation of VLTI instruments was the most interesting because it was new to me. Over this intense week we have learned a lot and on Friday all the participants presented their VLTI proposals to everybody present. It was a very instructive experience!
Last but not least, during the week I met a lot of interesting and joyful astronomers and I really enjoyed our time in Lisbon and Belém ;)
Now, it is time to make use of all the new VLTI skills!