Two-body problem solved

new job UAM two-body problem NCN

Our two-body problem is solved! I mean the academic two-body problem, not the gravitational one ;)

I was about to write a post about my new job at A. Mickiewicz University. However, only yesterday we learnt that my husband, who is also an astronomer, has been awarded a prestigious postdoctoral position at the same institute!

First thing first: last month I've become an employee of my home institute - Astronomical Observatory of A. Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. I'm extremely happy about it! The position is called "adiunkt" in Polish, and it is sometimes translated as an assistant professor or adjunct professor, however, it is not exactly the same as in other countries. In short, my duties cover research and teaching. And I like it!

While I've applied for this job, my husband applied for one of the grants offered by the Polish National Science Center, i.e., Fuga.

I cannot even imagine how low the chances are to get two jobs in astrophysics at the same institute, but it's just happened!

The bottom line here is that we've got a solution for our two-body problem. And yes, I do know how lucky we were! Why am I telling you this? Just to let you know that it is possible. Difficult, but possible. Do not give up your dreams too early.

More on two-body problem in astronomy and beyond: